But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of god.”
Luke: 18:16
Sunday School runs from the Sunday after Labor Day though the 3rd Sunday in June (typically following the public school schedule). Classes start at 9:45 am and end at 10:45 am.
We offer Bible lessons and fun activities for every age level. Your child will discover how they can know Jesus’ love in their daily lives. Pre-registration is not necessary.
Early Childhood (age 2 through 5th grade): Children meet as a large group to sing worship songs, pray, and celebrate. Afterward, they break off into their respected grades/age groups into individualized classes where they will have a Bible lesson, arts/crafts, developmentally appropriate play. A parent must be present to pick up their child from their classroom at dismissal.
Middle School (6th through 8th grade): Youth meet in the Parish Hall for Bible lessons and discussion.
High School (9th through 12th grade): Youth gather in the youth room at Parish Hall for Bible lessons and discussion.
Service project opportunities and fun events are available for all age levels.
Early Childhood through Middle School presents a Christmas pageant the Sunday prior to Christmas.
If you have more questions, contact the Church Office at