Be a part of our Faith in Action Capital Campaign!

We are called to fulfill the Great Commission, which shapes our mission: Connect with Jesus. Connect with Others. Connect Others with Jesus. At Bethlehem Lutheran Church, we live this mission through worship, Bible studies, and community programs like AA meetings, Divorce Care, GriefShare, Town Senior Luncheons, Trunk or Treat, Live Nativity and so much more. A town leader recently called BLC its “best faith-related partner.” Our outreach is open to all, which is crucial in a region where 56% of the population has little or no connection to Christianity (Barna Group).

So, what does this have to do with our Capital Campaign? Everything! While our church is more than the properties and buildings we’ve been blessed with, these spaces are essential for ministry. To ensure a safe, welcoming and functional space for our congregation and community outreach, we must address critical maintenance and improvement needs. By investing in our church, we are making a commitment to our mission and the lives we are called to serve!

Our Capital Campaign to support some important “Must Have” and “Nice to Have” capital projects is launching in this month.   

As a reminder, the capital improvements include the following “Must Have” projects:

  • repaving the entire parking lot

  • upgrading the parking lot lighting

  • replacing the front entrance sidewalks

  • repairing/replacing the HVAC systems used to heat/cool the Fellowship Hall, other parts of the main building and Parish Hall

  • replacing the existing electronic organ in the Sanctuary

  • replacing the audio system and video distribution in the Sanctuary

  • replacing/upgrading the Sanctuary altar lighting with LED fixtures

  • installing a railing at the Lectern to assist access for lay readers

  • repairing buttresses around Sanctuary exterior

  • replacing electrical panels in the Parish Hall

  • repointing brick & masonry in Parish Hall/Bell Tower

  • repairing/replacing the Parish Hall roof

 The targeted capital improvements also include the following “Nice to Have” projects:

  • constructing a covered entryway for the main entrance

  • adding door actuators to the main entrance and one other entrance for improved ADA access

  • installing a generator at the Parish Hall to provide emergency power during a power outage

  • adding electronic locks to selected exterior doors to enhance building security

These are exciting times for our ministry at Bethlehem Lutheran Church as we look to live out our mission statement: Connect with Jesus. Connect with Others. Connect Others with Jesus.

Our Faith in Action Capital Campaign is centered on Biblical concepts of stewardship and generosity, finding the prayerful place where each of us discovers God’s desire for our response in this church-wide effort: “Equal sacrifice, not equal giving.” 

As we prepare for this campaign, we are asking everyone to pray: “Lord, what would You do through me to accomplish Your vision for our church?  Help me, by Your Spirit, to discern a sacrifice for our capital campaign that is meaningful and joyful. Amen.” 


The Capital Projects and Campaign Teams