The Seniors are hosting a trip to the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown MA on TUESDAY, AUGUST 29.
The current special exhibit features works by Edward Munch, well-known Norwegian artist (1863-1941) perhaps best known for his “Scream”. Museum fee will be either $16 (for a group of 20+) or $20 for a smaller group. (The museum is handicapped accessible.)
Time: Leave from church (carpool) at 8:30 AM for a 1 ½ hour drive to the Museum and arrive about 10:00 in time to join the 10:30 tour of the Munch exhibit.
Lunch: There is a café in the museum offering sandwiches and fish tacos ($14 plus beverages), or you can bring your own lunch to eat at the picnic areas near the parking lot.
Anyone interested in joining this tour should sign up in the Fellowship Hall, indicating whether you can drive (and number of passengers), or if you need a ride. Contact Marilyn Gehr at 518-439-6525 if you have any questions about the trip. All are welcome – you do not need to be a Senior to join us!