SUNDAYS 8:30 AND 11:00
“by using our wifi you agree to abide by our user agreement, read below
Acceptable Use Policy of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church Delmar, New York This policy is intended to allow for the proper use of all resources and networks, effective protection of individual users, and proper management of the resources and network. It applies to all staff, members, and guests using resources and network of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church BLC in Delmar, New York. This policy applies to the BLC network usage even in situations where it would not apply to the computers in use. These guidelines are intended to supplement, not replace, all existing laws, regulations, agreements, and contracts that currently apply. The following policy will apply to BLC network and resources
1. Any activities which violate local, state, or federal statutes are prohibited.
2. Cracking Hacking Example: Attempting to circumvent user authentication or security of any host, network, or account on BLC systems or the Internet at large is strictly forbidden.
3. Denial of service attacks of any kind are forbidden. Use of BLC systems or networks willfully or negligently in a manner that encumbers disk space, processors, bandwidth, or other system resources so as to interfere with others’ normal use of services on BLC, or any other systems or networks is prohibited. Attempting to knock a server off-line, slow down our connection, or knock any other user offline is prohibited.
4. Use of TCP, or UPD port scanners to scan remote networks without the express written consent of that networks’ administrator is prohibited.
5. Dissemination of spam and or viruses, whether knowingly or as the result of a worm or virus on your computer, is prohibited. Attempting to send any virus or malicious material including any type of Out of Band packet to any other Internet user is prohibited.
6. Spamming is prohibited. Example: Sending unsolicited mass mailings of any nature, including those with an opt-out option for continuation. The opt-out option is inviting those who do not wish to receive more email to reply to you.
7. Mail-bombing is prohibited. Example: Sending a large number of email messages, or singularly large email messages, to a single address in order to flood someone’s mailbox.
8. Forging any email header to obscure the originator of the message.
9. Creating or participating in pyramid schemes or chain letters.
10. Sending any type of harassing email, either by language, size, or frequency. This includes sending email or instant messages to any person who has asked explicitly that you do not.
11. The posting of pornographic or otherwise indecent or offending materials. BLC is the sole arbiter of what constitutes indecent or offending.
12. Unauthorized use of copyrighted or trademarked logos, phrases or names.
13. Distribution of any software or materials in violation of any copyrights or distribution licenses. Mp3s, Warez, etc. Example: Acting as an iTunes, torrent file server.
14. The posting of slanderous or defamatory materials or articles.
15. Distribution of any material which violates local, state, or federal statutes.
BLC will set the parameters of what people can access on the BLC Guest network, and review this on a regular basis. ”